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CK attends Newcastle Charity Football Tournament in aid of If U Care Share

Charity Football Tournament in aid of If U Care Share

Last Friday, CK took part in the annual Newcastle Charity Football Tournament (NCFT), in aid of If U Care Share Foundation (a charity who supports suicide prevention and bereavement).

A little about If U Care Share Foundation:

‘If U Care Share Foundation is a non-profit charity providing a range of services fundamental to our three main aims of prevention, intervention and supporting those bereaved by suicide.

The journey began in 2005. Daniel O’Hare was 19 years of age when, without any warning, he took his own life. He had no previous history of mental health problems, nor had he shown any outward signs of his intentions.

Daniel was a normal young man, who was extremely popular and well known in his local community. He had a large amount of friends and a family that loved him dearly. He enjoyed football, spending time with friends and socialising. Daniel also had a job managing a family online retail business. To this day his family remain devastated by their loss and are still no nearer to understanding Daniel’s choice.

Daniel’s brothers Matthew and Ben, along with his cousin Sarah (then aged 10, 5 and 12) hoped to do something positive to try and prevent another family suffering a similar experience. They wanted to create a lasting memory to Daniel and started If U Care Share Foundation’ (Source: If U Care Share LinkedIn Page).

The Tournament:

Hosted by Sellick Partnerships, the tournament included several rounds and knockout stages – our CK team was made up of 8 of our brilliant employees:

Lewis Wilkinson, Jack Tomlinson, Tony Hewitt, Jack Todd, Kevin Wilkinson, Andy Todd, Brian Mercer and Alan Watson.

CK played in 6 group games, where they only lost 1 match and missed the top of the group purely by goal difference. This took the team to the quarter finals where they had a narrow 3-2 loss in the dying seconds of the game, the team that beat them went on to win the tournament!

It was a great afternoon of football, raising money for such an important cause and networking with our local community – huge congratulations to our CK team for getting so far and to the teams who won the cup and runners up plate.

We look forward to getting involved in next years tournament and raising money for another great cause! Shout out to the brilliant Michelle Mercer who captured the amazing shots throughout the tournament 😊.